Friday, October 1, 2010

Lighting Deepam

om asathoma sath gamaya thamasoma jyothir gamaya
mruthyorma amrutham gamaya ohm! santhi santhi santhi
Oh Lord please lead me from the unreal to real. Lead me from darkness to light i.e., ignorance to knowledge, Lead me from death to immortality. May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.
The urge of doing something for the temple and the thoughts of services to the temple is coming from the purva jenma palan. They called ninth house in the birth chart. Karma is well defined by Gnaana Sambandar in His Hymns start with "avinaikivinai.”
Lighting Lamps in Temples 
Lighting temples with vilakku (lamp) is an adorable need extolled by saints in our dharma - more so the Nayanmars. Please do your bit to fill in the oil to light a lamp at your nearby temple or join us to light the temples where immediate attention is needed.
A Shaiva tradition declares that a rat, by coming into contact with a lamp (and thus making it burn brighter) in a Siva temple was born subsequently as the famous emperor, Mahabali. According to this legend, first Lord Shiva said to his consort Paravati that anyone who would make the "deepa" (lamp) burn brighter would become the ruler of the three worlds. A rat approached it, wanting to drink the ghee (melted butter) but as it attempted to drink, the flame was rekindled into its mouth. Parvati asked Lord Shiva to keep his promise and so Lord Shiva did.
Who are we?
·         We are a team of dedicated volunteers who have taken up the task of providing Ilupai Ennai (botanical name: Bassia Longifolia) to ancient temples.
·         Have been providing oil regularly to around 55 temples in and around Kumbakonam so far and are planning to provide the oil to more such ancient temples.
·         So far we have provided around 400 Kg of oil to different temple.
What we do
·         We propagate the concept of lighting lamps in temples
·         Provide Ilupai ennai to ancient temples.
·         Provide support for regular temple pujas in ancient temples which do not have any means of fund
How to Support
·         Provide information on ancient temples which are in need of support
·         Propagate this to more people
·         Provide oil to temples and light deepaam directly or through us
·         Provide monetary support
o    ACCOUNT NO : SB01003461, Savings account
o    BRANCH: Corporation bank, Madipakkam branch Chennai 600 091.
o    IFSC Code: CORP0000864
o   Account Holder Name: Lighting of Shivaalayaas kuzhu
Contact us
·         Email :
·         Mobile : S Lakshminarayanan at 98841 26417
·         Address : 207, Elumalai salai, Nanmangalam, Chennai.600117
Slokas to be chanted while lighting the Deepam
When you light the lamp in the puja room in the morning & evening the following may be chanted.

1. Deepo jyotih param brahma deepo jyotih janaardhanaha
deepo harathu me paapam sandhyaa deepo namo(a)stutae

Meaning : The light of the lamp stands for the Unmanifest Truth as well as for Lord Vishnu in His manifest form. Let that light of lamp remove my sins, results of omissions and commissions
2 . Shubham karoti kalyaanam aarogyam dhanasampadaha
shatru buddhi vinaas(h)aaya deepajyotih namo(a)stutae

Meaning : Let the light provide the light to make the activity better, let it provide health and concentration. I salute the light that destroys enmity (see the great thought - not the enemy but the enmity is that is being destroyed).
3. Suvarna vriddhim kurumae gruhae shri
sudhaanya vriddhim kurumae gruhae shri
kalyaana vriddhim kurumae gruhae shri
vibhoothi vriddhim kurumae gruhae shri

Meaning : I pray to Goddess Lakshmi to shower my house with Abundance, Grains, Auspiciousness and Prosperity.
4. Keetaa pathangaa mas(h)akaashcha vrikshaaha
jalae sthalae ae nivasanthu jeevaaha
dhrishtvaa pradeepam na cha janma bhaajo

bhavanthi nithyam svachaahi vipraaha
Meaning : Learned people say that by seeing the brightly lit deepam, insects, birds, reptiles, trees and plants, all living things residing in water and light can be permanently liberated from bondages due to that particular janma.      
5.  kalyana namakaram kalmashaghnam
kamrakaram kandhi dhoothandakaram
sandhyalakshmee kanda sootraikaratnam
deepajyothir mangalam nasthanothu
Meaning : Glory the name you have who destroy gloominess, make the beauty with deleting darkness; your glow is like the rathnam on the sandhyalakshmi’s neck; I salute you light.

Guidelines for lighting lamp
·         Ghee/ Sesame Oil or a mixture of oil and ghee can be used to light the lamp.
·         Lamp is always a good omen – if someone gifts you a lamp, accept it whole-heartedly. If the lamp flickers, it is an auspicious sign. 
·         Always smear the lamp with vermillion and sandal powder.
·         Offer flowers to the lamp.
·         Always use two wicks for lighting the Lamp.
·         After head bath, one should remove the head towel before even lighting the lamp .
·         There is no harm in lighting the usual villakku at rahu kalam & chanting Durga shlokams, particularly on Tuesday & Friday at home.
 Don’ts for lighting lamp
·         Never place and light a lamp in the south direction. It will bring inauspicious events...
·         After lighting the lamp don’t rub the excess oil on your hair; (it will make you loose your wealth) general belief. Also rubbing in your own dress is also not good. So keep a piece of cloth in your pooja room and rub the excess oil in it.
·         Never keep any lamp directly on the kolam. Always keep it on a plate ( can be brass, silver not steel).
·         If you like keep a few grains of raw rice below the lamp - this is necessary only when you do vilakku poojai etc & not necessary every day.
·         Do not use Groundnut Oil.
·         Lemon (Elumichai) vilakku lighting should not be done at home at all. It is to be lighted only in temples.
Significance of Lighting Lamp in Hindu Culture
Majority of the Hindus insist on lighting a traditional wick lamp in puja room. This is because it is believed that the traditional lamp that is lit radiates heat and light energy. The regular movement of the flame in the traditional wick lamp is highly effective in passing out the positive energy.  The wave movement that the traditional wick lamp has got is believed to help in distributing the positive energy on all sides.
Sesame oil, also known as gingelly oil or til oil, is generally used to light the lamp and this is again associated with positive energy that it gives out.
Symbolism of Lighting Lamp in Hindu Culture
The light in the lamp symbolizes knowledge. It removes darkness, which symbolizes ignorance. Thus light symbolizes Brahman.
The wick in the traditional oil lamp symbolizes ego and the oil or ghee used symbolizes our negative tendencies. When we are lit by self knowledge, the negative tendencies (oil) melt away and finally the ego (wick) perishes. When the ego perishes, we realize that we are all the Supreme Truth.
The flame of a lamp has two qualities. One is to banish darkness. The other is a continuous upward movement. Even when a lamp is kept in a pit, the flame moves upwards. The sages have therefore adored the lamp of wisdom as the flame that leads men to higher states. Hence, the effulgence of light should not be treated as a trivial phenomenon. Along with lighting the external lamps, men should strive to light the lamps within them. The human estate should be governed by sacred qualities. This calls for the triple purity of body, mind and speech--Trikarana Suddhi (purity of the three instruments).
 Likewise, the flame of Jnana (Spiritual Wisdom) leads one to a sublime level through the path of Righteousness. While lighting a lamp, one is also lighting the lamp that is ever shining within us. Man has to dispel the darkness of ignorance.

If the darkness of ignorance is to be dispelled, man needs a container, oil, wick and a matchbox corresponding to what an external lamp needs. For man, the heart is the container. The mind is the wick. Love is the oil and vairagya (sacrifice) is the matchbox. When you have these four, Atma-jyothi (the Divine flame of the Spirit) shines effulgently. When the light of the Spirit is aflame, the Light of Knowledge appears and dispels the darkness of ignorance.

Bottom portion of the lamp: (lotus seat): Lord Brahma
The middle pipe of the lamp:  Lord Venkateswara
The portion where oil/ghee is filled: Rudran
The portion where wick settles: Lord Maheswara
The end of the wick: Sadashiv
Ghee/Oil: Natham

Lamp, represents Durga, Saraswathi and Lakshmi.
The 5 faces of a lamp denote the 5 qualities that a woman needs to have:
·         Affection
·         Intelligence
·         Resoluteness
·         Patience
·         Caution
The portion where the oil is filled indicates the mind of the woman.
When you light a lamp, all the five qualities of the woman gets prominence.
So, when you light a lamp, you light your soul. It helps us in developing our intellect.
Lighting a lamp in the temple brightens your life. If we light a lamp in our homes every evening and pray by reciting a few shlokas, it will make our lives shimmer like the lamp.

Benefits of lighting lamps with different oils
·         Cow's ghee - Ensures radiance and Heavenly bliss
·         Ghee - Wealth, Health and Happiness
·         Gingely oil/Sesame oil - Removes unforeseen dangers, inauspicious events
·         Castor oil - Fame, Happy family life, and to gain Spiritual intellect
·         Iluppai( A tree name..In English it is called as Mahua) – for wealth
Number of Cotton Wicks to be used
·         Single wick (Eka Mukha Deepam) is normal/medium benefit
·         Two wicks (Dwimuka deepam) brings harmony and peace in the family and relatives
·         Three wicks (Trimukha Deepam) Blesses with progeny
·         Four wicks (Chathurmukha deepam) brings allround prosperity and Sumptous food
·         Five wicks (Panchamkukha deepam) showers akhanda aishwaryam (Wealth)
·         Six wicks (Shanmukha deepam) blesses with Akhanda Gyana (Knowledge) & Vairagyam(Renunciation)

**Lampholders should be cleaned daily ** cotton wicks and the oil should be changed everyday **
Different Wicks to be used
·         Cotton – prosperity
·         Lotus steam thread - removes all sins
·         new yellow cloth - gives devi's blessings
·         banana stem - removes sorrow
Saints (Nayanmars) who served Lord Shiva by lighting lamp
Naminandi ADIKAL –
In the town Emap pERU n^amin^an^dhi adikaL was born in the tradition of vEdic chanters. He went to serve the Lord at the araneRi abode. He stood up in the interest of lighting the lamps thus serving the Kindling flame. Once he went to a nearby house to ask for some ghee for the lamps. The people in the house mocked at him and said if he wanted he could pour the water from the pond to light the lamps. n^AyanAr felt bad, left to the temple and cried to the Lord.  There rose a voice ordering him to shed the sorrow and pour the pond water in the lamps and lit them. Praising the Lord who has the Sun, Moon and fire as the Three eyes, he brought the water from the pond and put it on the cotton plaited thread. With the world wondering he lit the lamp that glowed till the dawn. He lit the complete sets of lamps the same way to illuminate the abode fantastically. He kept doing this regularly and finally entered the luminance of the shade of the Lord of thiruvArUR.

kaliya n^AyanAr  was born in the town of thiruvoRRiyUr. He used to illuminate the thiruvoRRiyUr temple with Lamps. He worked in oil making profession and used the wages to continue without break his wonderful service. Once rich refused to give him work and wages, he worked in oil churning wheel and using the oil and oil-taken-seed he got for the work, he bought oil for the Lord and did his brilliant service, becoming a beacon beaming the sincere love for the Lord. With the number of people who do that job also grown he did not get enough work. He sold all his properties to persist in serving.
The devotee who never allowed anything to interrupt his illuminating service was highly concerned about that days situation of not getting oil for worship. The devotion that was pure made the n^AyanAr decide that come whatever be the lamps should be lit that day. He went inside the temple of thiruvoRRiyUr with a decision. In place of oil he wanted to out his own blood ! He started cutting his throat. The Blue throated Lord seeing his extremeness in the determination to serve without break, caught his hands and stopped him. The Lord appeared with His consort on the Holy Bull in the horizon amidst the praise by the great people whose heart is nothing but He Himself. The devotee free from the wound flooded his eyes with tears of love. The Lord freed him from the bond of birth too and gave him the place in His abode - the place of brightness.

kaNampulla nAyanAr
kaNampulla nAyanAr was born in the  holy town is uLLirukku vELUr (vaiththIswaran kOyil). Decorating His holy place with nice lamps, he used to worship the God with falling body in raising love, singing the endless fame of the Limitless Lord.  His holy service continued in spite of whatever hurdles he faced. He sold the household articles one by one and lit the lamps in the abode everday with pleasant ghee. Then came the situation when there was nothing left in the house to sell ! He was not convinced to beg to somebody. That once prominent rich man had no money in hand, toiled to cut the straws(kaNampul) in the fields and sold it to others. With the money he got in return that blotless famed devotee bought the pure ghee and burnt the lamps in the temple. One day he could not sell the straws he brought in spite of all his efforts. He had nothing else in his hand ! Still not withdrawn from the sacred service he undertook to do, he went ahead burning the straws to illuminate the temple. As the stacks of impurities gets burnt soon when the devotion for Lord shankara enters, all the straws he had brought got over soon and he required more to illuminate the temple. That true lover of God unwilling to stop the service even that time, put his own hair in place of the straw and started burning it - burning the cause of the two types of deeds !! Our Love, the Lord, appreciating the flawless love of the n^AyanAr, kaNampullar sat in the place of Lord shiva, blissfully saluting Him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I’m a little confused on the number of wicks to burn. Do I light two wicks in same lamp ( I light a kamachi velukku daily) or do I need to light two different lamps. If we light two wicks in same lamp must it be two separate flames or do they burn together as one flame. Also could you please explain how to make a wick from cloth? Do we have to soak the cloth in oil/ghee and then roll it? Your clarification is greatly appreciated. Thank you
